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DIY - Easter Garland

My daughter was home sick one day ( change of season flu 🤧) and she was asking me that she wanted to paint.

So I got my watercolour paint for her as I quite often do.

But on this day I felt particularly in the Easter decorating mood, earlier that day I had changed the pillow covers of all my scatter pillows to something a bit brighter and more spring-y 🌷.

This was such a fun project for the two of us, I mean who doesn't like to get wild with some (easy to clean) watercolours 😋.

I love using little projects like this as bonding time with my littlies. It gives them such a sense of accomplishment when they see the final product in the house, and gives them a little confidence boost knowing they helped to make that.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Watercolour paper ( about 3 large sheets)

  • Watercolour paint

  • Brushes

  • Paper towels

  • Glue

  • Scissors

  • Hole Punch

  • String

Step 1:

I let my daughter just go bananas with the watercolours, just covering the entire page with washes of colours, using some paper towel to sop up any extra water or areas where the colour is too concentrated.

While I created a couple more bunny like shapes and hearts and even some flowers.

Step 2:

After letting the paint dry I traced egg shapes

(use a stencil for this/ you can make a stencil by just cutting out a piece of cardboard) and drew as many as I could fit on the backs of the painted pages, and then cut them out.

Step 3:

I used some school glue to stick them back to back so that when they're hanging you have pretty colour washes on both sides.

Step 4:

Then using my punch I cut one hole at the top of each egg and pulled some string through each one evenly spaced out.

Step 5:

Lastly I just hung them on our dining room table light, but you can hang them in front of a window or wherever you want really.

I hope you use this little project, to create moments with your little ones that both you and them can cherish for many years.

If you create these please feel free to share your creations with me. I would love to see them.



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